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Abgaben für das Modul MTA bei Angelika Höhnemann Gruppe: HCI Cosima Bauer 845006 cosima@bauer-berlin.de
Iven Gehrmann 837251 iven.gehrmann@beuth-hochschule.de
Hanna Martens 846626 h.martens18@yahoo.de
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s29311 / git-exercise-group-2
MIT LicenseThis is used to store output of group 2 exercise 2
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Weakly supevised entity recognition, using snorkel, for generating labeled training data, which can be further processed by another model, e.g. TASTY.
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Karsten Flögel Tim Martins
Simon MarquardtLazlo HaegnerUpdated -
Miraç / Kür
MIT LicenseAktuelle Webtechnologien: Frameworks und Tools (WiSe2223) Gruppe: DevUps - Kür
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stochastic raytracer in line with my master thesis. Taking this base from this base https://developer.nvidia.com/rtx/raytracing/vkray stochasticher Raytracer im Rahmen meiner Masterarbeit. die Basis ist https://developer.nvidia.com/rtx/raytracing/vkr
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Motion Visualization & Annotation A web-app to visualize, annotate and manipulate3-D human motion sequences.
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Tesla Model 3 inspired BoardComputer for the electric boat engine. Developed for the iPad.